2 Peter 1:4-11 Bible Study
These Bible Studies were recorded during the beginning of the 2020 Covid Pandemic and streamed live on Wednesday Evenings at the Glencoe Church of Christ in Glencoe, KY. This was a new process with a steep learning curve for us; so be patient as the audio/video quality improves as it goes. This Bible Study is led by Ethan Rolph, Anthony West, and Mike Nadaud.

4 1 2020- Wed Night Bible Study- 2 Peter Part 1

4 8 2020-Wed Night Bible Study: 2 Peter Part 2

Glencoe Church of Christ- 5.6.2020 Midweek Bible Study

Glencoe Church of Christ- 4.29.2020 Midweek Bible Study

Glencoe Church of Christ- 4.22.2020 Bible Study

05.11.2020- 2 Peter Bible Study- Love

05.18.2020 - 2 Peter Bible Study: Useful and fruitful

5.27.2020- 2 Peter Bible Study (Ethan Rolph and Mike Nadaud)